Unlock your performance and the performance of your team – How to thrive right now as a leader

Your leadership capability counts now more than ever.

Right now – we are all working and leading in a new context with new challenges that place extraordinary demands on how we lead and support our people to be at their best. As a leader its time to carefully consider how you can create a culture and environment that enables your people to thrive. Your role as a leader is to help people to be at their best, so you need to be at your best too. Your behaviour will set the tone across your team. Whilst acknowledging the current stress and the human toll, its important to affirm your confidence in your people and your combined strengths to navigate the uncertainties together.

Right now – is the time to communicate about the certainties and the uncertainties. Clearly and concisely explain both what is known and what is not known. Be comfortable about not having all the answers. When you face a crisis, communication becomes even more important. Your team will have questions, concerns, wild thoughts, and mistaken assumptions. Be very present and available. At times of ambiguity emotions are high, your responsibility is to check in with others and yourself. We may be isolated; we don’t have to feel alone.

Right now – Trust is the foundation of making it through any crisis. Be a good listener, keep your word. In a culture of deep trust your people will share their concerns and vulnerabilities and so can you.

Right now – there are questions and essential conversations that you need to have with your people. One of the best ways to communicate with your team is through 1:1 essential conversations. You need group discussions, email updates, and standard communication, but nothing can replace the power of the 1:1, giving dedicated, personal attention to each of your team. This is how you will uncover their biggest fears, concerns, frustrations and the questions they’re afraid to bring up elsewhere and build their trust and confidence as they navigate these uncertain times.

Right now – it’s important to meet weekly with your direct reports. As so much can change quickly aim for weekly 1:1’s with your team members. Great leaders ask the right questions at the right time and then they listen.


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