deep expertise in aligning people and their performance with organisational outcomes

Kathryn brings objectivity and deep expertise to her client.  Through the deep trusted relationships she fosters she provides insight and wisdom.  With her knowledge of contemporary leading practices she is able to inspire shifts in thinking and changes in behaviour – unlocking performance for people and their organisations.

Kathryn will partner with you to create an organisation where learning with a growth mindset dominates your culture.  Organisations that embrace a learning culture are primed to adapt, respond, reorganise and grow always.

Simon Sinek, whose Ted Talk is the third most watched Ted Talk of all time, is an inspiration. “The opportunity is not to discover the perfect company for ourselves.  The opportunity is to build the perfect company for each other.”


Kathryn has had the opportunity to work with and learn from world leading experts in learning, performance and leadership.  Norm Smallwood, co-founder of the RBL Group, Professor George Kohlrieser International Institute for Leadership Development, and Maarten Nijhoff Asser THT.

ability to figure out how people who are different can work together productively
ability to spark conversations that produce exciting ideas.
a maximiser who transforms something strong into something superb.

Global experience

Kathryn has unlocked performance for people and their organisations in over 25 countries.  With an understanding that diversity of experience, ideas and thinking brings robust solutions she inspires shifts in thinking and behaviours through her mastery of facilitation and adult learning.


Kathryn represented Asia Pacific as part of the global learning team responsible for delivering the Global Consulting Program for PwC, the first cohort for this world class program was delivered in Bangkok!


From within the metropolis of Tokyo the focus for PwC’s most experienced consultants was developing and delivering high impact presentations.  Kathryn lead the learners to develop their skills in being compelling, influencers through building their competence and...

New York

Kathryn has had multiple visits to New York city focussed on either crafting a strategic learning strategy as part of her role as Global Leader for Professional Development, Global Business Services, IBM or delivering learning that matters.  The standout highlight was...

San Francisco

It was in SFO that Kathryn was a key leader in the design, development and creation of a key consulting program aligned with the IBM Career Framework that was then delivered across all levels of consultants from new hires to thought leaders.  Working with another...

Kuala Lumpur

It was in KL that Kathryn was part of the team delivering the global program tailored to grow the skills and confidence of high potential women.  Her passion for crafting education and personal growth programs focussed on women supporting women to thrive began in this...


Singapore became Kathryn’s second home while she was the Learning and Knowledge Leader for IBM, Asia Pacific.  Developing, designing and delivering education aligned with the capabilities required to achieve strategy was her never-ending mission!  Leaders, Project...


With her responsibility for Executive Leadership Transformation for IBM, Asia Pacific, Seoul was the city for the quarterly event for 48 of Asia Pacific’s most senior leaders that focussed on applying agile behaviours and techniques to real business problems applying...

valued associates

Kathryn’s Associates are carefully selected to complement her skills and experiences ensuring that the solutions and services we provide to our clients ideally meets their needs, always.

Carol Harding

Carol Harding

Design Thinker

Carol Harding works with government, universities, business and community organisations to build innovative capability and embed an innovative culture using design thinking. She also teaches people how to use design thinking to re-imagine and re-design their lives and careers.

As a design thinking practitioner, Carol has been immersed in innovation and design thinking for over a decade in her former role as Deputy Director of the Australian Innovation Research Centre and now, as principal of her innovation and design practice.

Lauren Jauncey

Lauren Jauncey

Founder and Director of Frankly Diversity

With an unwavering passion for diversity and inclusion, Lauren has a proven track record of improving organisational performance through leadership, talent and culture change programs.

Prior to launching Frankly Diversity, Lauren was the National Manager of Diversity and Inclusion at Australia Post. Accordingly, she knows how to develop and implement a diversity strategy that delivers tangible business outcomes. Lauren is a highly rated facilitator with deep experience in delivering women in leadership and unconscious bias / inclusive leadership programs.

Together we can unlock your performance and the performance of your organisation.

contact us today.

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